Priority Transactions Accelerator Group, Inc.
Priority Transactions Accelerator Group, Inc. (PTAG) is a not-for-profit team of experienced finance and legal professionals that identifies and arranges global debt capital market transactions to finance programs and projects for humanitarian needs, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and other U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. PTAG also works with national and sub-national governments and with program and project originators on plans, structures and governance arrangements to enable these transactions.
Contact Us
Priority Transactions Accelerator Group, Inc. (PTAG)
1507 Foxhall Rd, NW
Washington, DC 20007 USA
What We Do.
PTAG works to arrange affordable, long-term financing in global bond markets for projects and programs supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation and other UN Sustainable Development Goals.
We collaborate with governments, international institutions, private developers, and commercial and investment banks, and with the asset owners and managers that are the custodians of the US$ 200 trillion global savings pool.
We design bond issues that can achieve liquidity and acceptable credit ratings with as little application as possible of scarce public capital, and that investment banks’ debt capital markets teams can manage, underwrite, distribute and trade as efficiently as possible.
Why We Do It.
Put simply, our global community is nowhere near investing enough in the projects and programs that we need to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and to achieve the poverty reduction and other humanitarian objectives at the heart of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The money is there in the pension funds, insurance company and bank reserves, sovereign wealth funds, endowments and foundations and individual savings that make up the global savings pool. And one of their largest allocations is to liquid, rated bonds that provide bond issuers with long-term financing at low cost.
But we haven’t been able to access the bond markets for these key projects and programs at nearly the scale – and the affordable cost - we need.
The reasons are clear: Investors see the risks as too high, and the scale too small. If investors engage, it’s from the private equity, private credit or direct infrastructure allocations in their portfolios – allocations are modest and the returns expected are much higher.
Bringing these projects and programs to the point at which they can attract commitments from investors’ bond portfolios can happen, but it’s a heavy lift: Market efficiencies and low interest rates have meant that investment banks can’t afford to put in the effort needed, and development finance institutions have limited capital and concentrate on creating assets for their own balance sheets.
PTAG’s conviction is that a small team of experienced bond market and project finance professionals, focused exclusively on preparing key projects and programs to access liquid, rated bond markets, can go far towards solving this problem.
Where We Come From.
PTAG’s founding sponsor is the Initiative on Closing the Investment Gap in Sustainable Infrastructure (CIG), a program funded by the Governments of Canada and Denmark through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Hosted at the University of Maryland Center for Global Sustainability, in recent years, CIG has convened workshops bringing together governments of developed and developing countries, multilateral development institutions, private sector bankers and investors to address obstacles to scaling up financing for sustainable infrastructure. PTAG’s business model and the focus of its activities are a direct outgrowth of the findings that have emerged in the CIG workshops.